
Calvert Research and Management and its affiliated companies ("Calvert") take seriously their responsibilities to clients and shareholders, not only for superior investment performance, but also in terms of business continuity should an event arise causing interruption of normal operations.

Continuity Objectives

The primary objectives of the Calvert Business Continuity Program are to:

  • Minimize the likelihood of a business interruption and associated impacts
  • Resume operations quickly in the event a business interruption does occur

Business Continuity Plans

Calvert Business Continuity Plans are designed to enable the various departments to respond to business interrupting events of varying scope – from minor incidents to the loss of a Calvert facility and/or data center. Plans document data requirements and backup methods, mission critical applications, financial and operational assessments, alternate communications to customers and employees, alternate work locations for employees, critical service provider impacts and actions, and, where applicable, regulatory reporting.

Customer Access to Funds

Calvert's recovery plans and capabilities ensure that access to funds and account information should not be affected under most circumstances. Please note that extreme circumstances beyond our control may impact our ability to service our customers.